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Credit Cards have long been associated with online gambling, in fact, they were for a long time in the beginning of online gambling the only way to play for real money. There are three main credit cards that are accepted at most major online casinos today including Visa, MasterCard and Diners Club International. Using credit cards over the internet has gotten a bad reputation in the last couple of years because of fear of identity theft, or theft of the credit card number resulting in outrageous charges being made without the knowledge of the player. 

With 안전사이트 online casinos, using your credit card to purchase online casino credits is perfectly safe. Casinos today have high encryption levels and secure databases that make it hard for anyone to enter into the financial area without being detected. It is your responsibility as the player to make sure that the casino you are playing at is secure and that they guarantee 100% security for all of your transactions. 

If you still feel uncomfortable about giving the information out online, then most casinos will allow you to fax the information to them or to call and enter the information over the telephone. The first thing that any player needs to do when they are considering using a credit card at a casino is to make sure that their credit card company will allow deposits into online casinos. Once it is established that your credit card company allows deposits into casinos, the process of depositing is very simple. The first thing you need to do is go to the casino and enter the banking or cashier section. 

Look for the credit card logo that you possess and click on that logo. Once you have done that you will be asked to enter the name on the credit card, the card type (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club International), the number on the card, and when it expires. Once all of that information has been entered you will be asked to type in the amount of money you would like to deposit. The money is instantly deposited into your real player account and you are ready to start playing for real money. Withdrawals are no longer allowed on credit cards due to problems with the companies and legalities within the United States. 

So if you are thinking of making a deposit using a credit card, make sure that you have an alternative way of withdrawing your winnings before you start to play so there will be no surprises. There are some benefits to using a credit card to purchase casino credits, for example they are done instantly and you do not have to fund a separate account in order to play for real money. The overall process is easy and as stated above with todays security methods there is no need to worry, because if the credit card companies security isnt enough then the casino has ample security to make up the difference. The first method for funding online casino accounts.

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